Media Specialist Media Clerk
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
7:20 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
The goals of the media program are:
to assist students in developing the attitudes and skills which will enable them in becoming independent, life-long learners;
to assist teachers in developing standards-based curriculum that enhances student achievement;
- to provide access to materials that support a wide range of student needs, abilities, and interests.
Checkout Guidelines:
Library books may be checked out by students for a period of two weeks. They may be renewed during this time, if necessary, but must be brought to the media center for renewal. There is not a daily fine for overdue books. However, a student with books that are late will have his or her checkout privileges restricted until either the book is found or a payment for the lost book is made.
Overdue notices will be sent out periodically - usually with report cards and progress reports.
With teachers' permission, students may come at any time during the day for individual check out.
Lost or Damaged Books:
Students are responsible for books checked out in their name.
If you lose a book, tell the media clerk Mrs. Sarah, or Mrs. Dyal, the media specialist. The media personnel will give you time to look for it. If the book is not found, you are expected to pay the replacement cost.
If you damage a book, please let us know. If we are not able to repair the book, you are expected to pay the replacement cost.
All book prices are included in the media center's cataloging system.
*Any book found during the same school year is eligible for a refund, dependent upon book's condition.*
Students will not be allowed to participate in end-of-the-year activities or receive their final report card until all media center fines have been paid.
Media Center Rules:
*Always bring needed materials to the library - hall pass and/or library card.
*Show respect to others who may be reading or working in the library at the same time.
*Use shelf markers to help keep library shelves organized and neat.
*Books and other materials you check out are YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! Always take excellent care of them.
-Read with clean hands.
-Do not write or draw on pages.
-Keep books SAFE - especially from pets and younger children.
-Treat books with RESPECT.
*Take care of all technology including ipads, laptops, and chromebooks.
Inability to follow the rules will result in loss of library privileges for a period of time
(determined by teacher and media specialist)
Media Activities:
Scholastic Book Fairs (one in the fall and one in the spring)
Book-It (Pizza Hut)
Buddy Readers
Read Across America
Real Men Read
Technology Competitions
- STEM Activities
- Accelerated Reader
- Book Character Pumpkin Decorating Contest
- Readers of the Month
- Reading Rock Stars